Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Book of Remembrance

RAINFORD, J A R (2619979) (V)

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Year: 1979
Branch: North Lancashire

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Tribute by: Susan Carroll

J A R Rainford was my father. The date of his death should be 1997 not 1979. He served in the Grenadier Guards during the war, and has the African Star and Italy Star, amongst other medals. He was shot and wounded during the Anzio landings. He was an avid member of the North Lancashire Branch of the Grenadier Guards Association, and for many years, prior to his death, he was the President of the Association.

Added on: 08 February 2014, 11:18