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2023 Regimental Christmas Card

2023 Regimental Christmas Card

11 September 2023


On 27 April 2023, His Majesty presented a new King’s Company Colour, the Royal Standard of the Regiment to His Company in the gardens of Buckingham Palace. Afterwards, led by the Regimental Band, the King’s Company marched past His Majesty, who was accompanied by Her Majesty The Queen, our Colonel.

On 6 May The Captain and a small Colour Party were present inside Westminster Abbey for The Coronation, a privilege which is unique to the Regiment.

The original watercolour, by Sean Bolan, is in the Regimental Collection and he has been commissioned to paint all former Royal Standards of the Regiment. The other shown is that of the King’s Company of the First Regiment of Foot Guards during the reign of King Charles II. Sold in aid of Regimental Charities.

This year, as a result of escalating cost, there is one option: A colour reproduction of this painting on the outside cover of the card, finished with a Blue - Red - Blue Border ORDER FORM

This order form must be returned to: LCpl Fanning, Regimental Headquarters, Grenadier Guards, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London, SW1E 6HQ by Thursday 12 October 2023, so that cards can be despatched by the end of October.

Please complete form in Block Capitals

FROM ........................................................................................................................................................................................

PLEASE SUPPLY .........................................................

Cards at 80p (incl. VAT) TOTAL COST.......................................................


1-15 cards:

UK £5.00

EU. £7.00

Row 1. £10.00

Row 2. £11.00

16-30 Cards:

UK £6.00

EU £9.25

Row 1 £14.00

Row 2 £17.00

Note: If ordering more than 30 cards, please email LCpl Fanning on regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com for a quote


• Enclosed is a Cheque payable to: “The Regimental Adjutant, Grenadier Guards” for £ ........................................

• I have transferred electronically to the Grenadier Guards Account (Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-11-75, account 00336566) the sum of £ ............................... with the reference (XMAS surname and initial)



TELEPHONE ......................................................................... EMAIL.........................................................................

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