Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Latest News


14 July 2020

From Gary Eldershaw:

Good morning Gentlemen,

As the venue cannot now, or will be likely to be able to in the near future, provide a clear picture of what could be available regarding use of the bar and hired room facilities etc., in order to provide early notice and clarity, after much deliberation the decision has been made to cancel this year’s reunion, due for 19th September in Nottingham.

New thinking is to not wait until September next year before re-scheduling, but look at a get together in the earlier part of 2021, perhaps April/May time, dependent on the Covid-19 situation then.

Hopefully, you will be able to join us in 2021. Please watch this space for further updates on the 2021 event, and please spread the word to all those that potentially might not see this update.

Stay Safe. Best wishes from your reunion committee.

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