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14 July 2020

On Friday 8 May this year, the nation commemorated the 75th Anniversary of VE Day under challenging lockdown conditions and I am writing in the first instance to thank all of those that reacted so positively and at in such short notice to ensure that the service and sacrifice of ... read


14 July 2020

From Gary Eldershaw: Good morning Gentlemen, As the venue cannot now, or will be likely to be able to in the near future, provide a clear picture of what could be available regarding use of the bar and hired room facilities etc., in order to provide early notice and clarity, ... read

Death of Surrey & East Hampshire Branch Members

08 April 2020

Grenadiers, It is my sad duty to report the death of three of our members: 2626301 James Charles Webb who passed away on 5th March aged 93. James had multiple health issues for some while before his death. Members wishing to send cards should send them to James's Step-Daughter: Liz ... read


01 April 2020

Grenadiers, Please read the following from The Royal British Legion: I thought it appropriate that I keep you abreast of our changing “event” environment which has been created by the advent of the Covid-19 crisis. In short, a number of key commemorative events have had to be called off & ... read


12 March 2020

Grenadiers, REF A. NOTES IN PREPARATIONFOR THE GRENADIER GUARDS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – SATURDAY 21st MARCH 2020 dated 26th February 2020. At the Executive Committee meeting yesterday, and due to the current health situation that only seems likely to get worse, it was decided that the Association AGM planned ... read

People's Choice Awards - Matthew Ellmer Nominee Finalist

26 February 2020

Grenadiers, You will see from the info below that Matt Ellmer our Regimental Casualty Officer, has been nominated and shortlisted as a finalist for the People's Choice Awards, part of the Soldiering On Awards for 2020. You can read also about how well he is thought of by some those ... read

Death of 23252270 Doug K Roshier

14 February 2020

Grenadiers, It is my sad duty to report the death of 23252270 Doug K Roshier whom passed away yesterday - Thursday 13th February. Doug was a stalwart member of the Reading & District Branch. A card has been sent from the Branch and should anyone else wish to write to ... read

Death of 23688595 Mike A Lindley

11 February 2020

Grenadiers, Sadly, I must report the death of 23688595 Mike A Lindley. Mike was the Manchester Branch Welfare Officer over the previous three years, and had done a very good job during his time in this role. Unfortunately, Mike first became ill early last year and visited the local hospital ... read

Grenadier Day – Change of Date to Sunday 19 July 2020

28 January 2020

Grenadiers, Grenadier Day 2020 was previously advertised as taking place at Lille Barracks, Aldershot on Sunday 12 July. Unfortunately, due to the 1st Battalion’s busy forecast of events and the deployment of the Inkerman Company to the Falkland Islands, it has had to be rescheduled for a week later. We ... read

British Army Brass Band Performance - Friday 31st January

15 January 2020

Grenadiers, The British Army Brass Band - which is made up of musicians from across the Corps. of Army Music - will be performing at The Guards' Chapel on Friday 31st January at 1900hrs. Admission is free and if you require further information please contact The Guards' Chapel on Tel: ... read